Da Boss Of Da Dead Chapta 21 | |
Da Boss Of Da Dead Chapta 21 |
Warboss Kromag flinched as one of his gargant’s shields failed, taken down by a blast from a necron pylon. So far his gargant was undamaged, its shields had held off the few strikes made against it by the pylons that since the destruction of the other gargant had been concentrating on smaller targets instead. But now that they had received reinforcements the necron defences were again targeting the gargant while the newly arrived necron infantry and their supporting transports attacked the orks’ smaller units. Kazkal was surprised by the power of the necron infantry, they carried what looked like ordinary if bulky rifles but these handheld weapons packed an exceptional punch. When fired en masse their energy beams could strip away even the thickest of armour platting and more than one ork tank had succumbed to a sustained barrage of rifle fire from the alien warriors. Worse still their transports seemed to be equipped with a smaller version of the lightning producing defence systems of the pylons and several ork charges had been driven back by them. But despite the surprising strength of the individual necron units there was no denying the fact that the orks vastly outnumbered them and had the advantage of the gargant. “We is nearly dare boss!” the mekboy responsible for steering the massive war machine called out and Kazkal looked out of the gargant at what lay directly ahead. There he saw the pylon that had just knocked down one of the gargant’s protective power fields. It was so close now that it ceased firing its main weapon and instead activated its close in defences. Briefly the lightning was deflected off the gargant’s remaining power fields, but then the gargant took another step and the invisible bubble of energy surrounding it also enveloped the pylon. No longer protected form the alien weapon, the lightning cascaded across the hull of the gargant itself. But the machine was so massive that up in the heads the crew were unaffected. “Now!” Kazkal bellowed and he lifted his fist above his head and then brought it down. Though one of the gargant’s ‘arms’ was a collection of huge cannons designed to smash targets at a distance, the other one was instead nothing but a massive chain-driven blade. The gargant mimicked Kazkal’s motion and the blade was lifted into the air before being allowed to drop suddenly down onto the pylon beneath it. Sparks flew and fragments of the blade snapped off as they gouged a deep path through the pylon. But even the advanced metals from which the alien structure was made could resist this attack and the arc of the main weapon was snapped in two as the gargant’s blade sliced through it. But the orks did not stop there and the blade continued to fall, burying itself in the base of the pylon until its primary power core was breached and all the energy being channelled from the tomb was released in an uncontrolled explosion that shook the entire gargant. “Da choppa! Boss da choppas gone!” one of the crew yelled, waving at the blackened and burning stump of the gargant’s arm where the close combat weapon had been torn free by the exploding necron structure. “Den keep usin’ da guns!” Kazkal bellowed, “’Ave I got to think of everythin’ meself?” Batrug checked the bomb. “Its still okay.” He said, “But we’ll ‘ave to shift it to Hazug’s trukk, dat’s da only wagon still runnin’.” “Wot about my two?” Two Heads asked. “Dey is just stuck dats all.” Batrug reassured him, “Ya battlewagon needs some new gubbins to make it run again and ya rhino needs liftin’ da right way up, but dey is both fixable.” “Just not in da time we gots now.” Hazug said, “Right?” “Right.” Batrug replied, nodding. “Hello?” Salia called out from outside the battlewagon. The young human seemed to have come through the battle well and still clutched her lasgun tightly. Hazug was impressed. “Wotcha want?” one of Two Head said as the one head looked at her and the other continued to look at Batrug. “Drazzok seems okay now.” She said, “Thuggrim and my sister have got him back in the truck. But he’s bit confused about what happened to him.” “Bleedin’ weirdo’s gone soft in da ‘ead.” Batrug said, “”Dat’s wot’s ‘appened.” “Well we needs to get movin’.” Hazug said to Two Heads, “Dare aint room in me trukk for everyone and da bomm an’ all, but I’s guessin’ dat ya wants to leave some lads to keep an eye on ya wagons.” “Yeah I does.” Two Heads replied and then he looked at the few surviving members of his mob, “Right den,” the other head began, “Gorrid, Kragglat and Norgut is stayin’ ‘ere to guard da wagons and see if dey can gets wots left of dem spiders aboard. I don’t want no thievin’ Death Skulls comin’ along and nickin’ me loot. Fangnat, Horvuk and Morfang is with us. Now get da bomm shifted.” From a safe distance another of the massive centipede like tomb stalkers watched the orks, an antenna protruding from the ground while the rest of the machine remained safely hidden beneath. It watched as the orks loaded essential supplies aboard their one remaining operational transport. Of particular interest tot eh tomb stalker was a large box that took two of the orks to load aboard the truck. Given its size, the box took up enough room for another ork had it been left behind so whatever was inside must have been of importance to the orks. The tomb stalker scanned the box; recording the power flow it detected within and transmitted its findings back to the necron tomb. “My lord, “Nalloshtek said flatly, “it seems that the krork have a fusion bomb.” A puzzled look appeared on Sophie’s face when Hazug got into the back of the truck instead of taking his usual place in the driver’s seat. “What are doing back here?” she asked, “You always drive.” and the others also looked at him, waiting to her his answer. “Not dis time.” Hazug said, “We needs to get to da mine quick. Dat means we needs da fastest driver we got in dat seat and ‘e needs Gorgoga beside 'im to tell ‘im where to go.” Now it was Salia’s turn to be confused. “But you drove pretty quick earlier.” She said, “Who’s faster?” “Right den!” Two Heads called out as he climbed into the driver’s seat, “Now dis trukk may not even be painted red, but let’s see ‘ow fast we can get it to go shall we?” “Salia! Grab hold of something quick!” Sophie exclaimed as she grabbed the nearest part of the truck that offered a decent handhold. Salia copied her just in time as Two Head stamped his foot down on the gas pedal and the truck shot forwards. “Everyone still back dare?” one of Two Heads asked, looking around to check on the vehicles passenger’s as the other concentrated on the ground ahead, “I aint goin’ back for ‘em dey aint.” The second head muttered. The instructions from the crypteks were perfectly clear; the ork vehicle transporting the nuclear device could not be allowed to approach the tomb and the tomb stalker set off after the truck as it sped away. The tomb stalker travelled just as quickly below the ground as it did above thanks to it advanced phase field generators that disrupted the structure of the ground in front of the machine just long enough for it pas through. The ork truck was much faster in straight line, but it had to adjust its course to avoid obstacles and terrain that the tomb stalker could simply pass right through. Guided by the vibrations of the truck as it drove at speed through the hillside the tomb stalker plotted a route that would allow it to intercept the vehicle as far from the tomb as possible. Knowing that the ork truck was of lightweight construction compared to its own mass the tomb stalker approached it from in front, planning to emerge right in front of it and force it to halt. The truck’s occupants would then be forced to dismount in order to fight and the tomb stalker could isolate and destroy them one at a time. However, it had figured without Two Heads Smasha Butt Face. The tomb stalker burst from the ground in the middle of the track, angling its trajectory to take it directly at the truck. But as soon as he saw it break the surface, Two Heads spun the steering wheel to take the truck off the track. Such a sharp turn risked tipping the truck over, but as an Evil Sun Two Heads had an innate understanding of just how much a vehicle could stand and though there were screams from the human and gretchin passengers as one side of the truck left the ground it came back down almost as quickly without tipping over. “It’s a biggun!” Two Heads shouted as the tomb stalker dived back below the ground just as the truck was passing it by. “Where’d it go?” Hazug snapped as he looked around, trying to locate their enemy. “There my master!” Mayleth yelled, pointing as she spotted a slight bulge in the ground as the tomb stalker move just beneath the surface. “Thuggrim! Let rip!” Hazug yelled and Thuggrim turned the truck’s weapon towards the tomb stalker and opened fire. The bullets kicked up plumes of dirt as they where hit the ground, but although Thuggrim’s aim was good they could not penetrate deep enough to reach the necron machine. “I’s got an idea!” Hazug exclaimed, “Get us along side of it.” “Gotcha!” one of Two Heads replied as both of him looked around, trying to pick out where the tomb stalker was now. He spotted the bulge in the ground and steered towards it, aiming directly for the alien machine. Meanwhile, holding his warscythe in just one hand Hazug climbed up onto the side of the truck and held onto the roll cage with the other. “Grab ‘old of me someone!” he shouted. Sophie moved to help hold him, but Drazzok pushed her out of the way. “Ya’ll never keep ’old of ‘im with dem scrawny muscles.” The weirdboy said and he took hold of Hazug’s belt. “Yeah, gits too weak!” Ratish snapped but as he too went to take hold of Hazug Morfang pushed him aside. “Ya aint got no muscles either.” He said as he in turn took hold of Drazzok to prevent him from being pulled over the side if Hazug fell. “Dis side!” Hazug called out to Two Heads, now satisfied that he was as secure as he could be, “Bring it down dis side.” Two Heads did not reply, instead both of him just snarled as he charged the truck at the tomb stalker. Drazzok watched the approaching bulge and thought about the relative sizes of the truck and the tomb stalker. “We’s gonna need a bigger trukk.” He said. Seeing the bulge approach Hazug let the warscythe slip through his hand so that he held it by its base and he jabbed the blade down into the ground and the alien blade began to slice a deep groove as the truck continued to move forwards as quickly as Two Heads could make it. At the last moment Two Heads swerved again and the tomb stalker passed by the truck along the side where Hazug was dangling over the edge. What the
machine did not detect was the blade of the warscythe sticking into the
ground, moving directly towards it at the same time as it in turn raced
towards the blade. The energy-enhanced blade struck the tomb stalker’s
head centrally and immediately disrupted the phase field that allowed it
to travel so efficiently underground. But although the tomb stalker was
brought to an abrupt halt the truck and thus the blade kept on moving
forwards at a considerable speed, slicing along the length of the tomb
stalker. Hazug spotted a flash of light through the grove his weapon had
dug as something volatile was damaged and he pulled the warscythe from the
ground and swung himself back into the truck, knocking both Drazzok and
Morfang to the floor. As he landed on top of the he looked behind the
truck just to see a plume of dirt thrown into the air accompanied by a
dull ‘thump’ as the tomb stalker exploded beneath the ground. Clumps of
dirt and grass came flying down at the truck and its occupants ducked to
avoid them. “Do you think there are any more about?” Salia asked, nervously looking out of the truck. “Well if dare is dey aint got much time to stop us.” Gorgoga said, “Look.” And ahead of the truck the warband saw the remains of the Goff’s mining settlement. The crypteks watched as the feed from the tomb stalker ceased, now there was nothing left between them and the orks that possessed the fusion bomb. “You have failed me.” Mazakatek said to them, “All of you. The krork will soon overwhelm our pylons and break through. Our only hope to defeat them is that Ibon can reactivate the forces at Khab in time to relieve us, but even if he can this other group of krork are almost in position to use a fusion device against us.” Then he turned and began to walk from the room. “Where are you going my lord?” Astrast asked. “To join my lychguard.” The overlord replied, “Perhaps they can be of more use to me than you.” Ibon watched the status display closely. Khab’s storage cells would soon have the energy they required to clear the facility of ice and begin the reactivation sequence. There was even a slight chance that the energy level was already high enough. However, if anything went wrong, for example if some of the heating units were damaged then there was not the energy needed to trigger the auto repair sequence. So Ibon waited and watched the readout as it climbed higher. It would not be long now before he could bring an army to life that would scour every last ork from the system.
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