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Other Writing |
Observations from behind the kiosk Think 'The customer is always right'? Think again. While at university I worked part time at my local supermarket. In particular behind the kiosk where cigarettes and lottery tickets were sold. My opinions of some customers were not only widely known, they were documented and pinned to the canteen wall. Here is the list of things that I often found myself wanting to say. I found it useful as a training aide when I had to teach others how the kiosk was run and copies found their way to other supermarkets too (not necessarily of the same chain). It is 1944 and the Allied liberation of Europe is underway. A detachment of men from the Royal Air Force has been given orders to seize an airfield in the Netherlands. But when their contact in the local resistance fails to appear they find themselves facing something far more sinister than a force of Luftwaffe troops protecting their base.
The Warspite Stories When a mysterious starship fires on an exploration ship many light years from Earth the Commonwealth Space Vessel Warspite is sent to investigate. What it's crew find far beyond the frontier of known space threatens to change the way humanity sees itself in the universe. Six months after the Sissusk attack on Liberty the Commonwealth has been unable to establish contact with their alien neighbours. A task force of ships led by the Warspite is ordered into Sissusk space to find out why only for them to find a bigger mystery there that could herald a much greater threat to the Commonwealth that the Sissusk pose... A remote human colony becomes the centre of the investigation into how the Commonwealth's first contact with an alien species as advanced as itself came to occur and the Warspite is ordered to transport investigators there. However, the ship's arrival arouses suspicion among the locals that the Commonwealth has come to take something they have discovered beneath the surface of their world. Warspite: The Realisation of Dreams Plans are in effect on multiple fronts, the Commonwealth plans to send a task force into Sissusk space in the hope of discovering who engineered the first contact with the Ticik and Captain Reeves and the crew of the Warspite are selected to take the lead in this mission. At the same time Commander Hayes is coming under pressure to achieve her aim of provoking war between the Commonwealth and the Ticik and the Commonwealth mission offers her one last chance to do this. Finally Hayes' own superior is advancing a scheme of his own and taking advantage of the pressure being put on Hayes to do so... Warspite: A Program of Revolution Having discovered that the Genex survived the war they waged against the Commonwealth, the heavy cruiser Warspite is vulnerable and the Genex leadership want is destroyed before it can reveal their continued existence. However, factions within Genex society have plans of their own that depend on the survival of the Warspite and its commanding officer... A century ago the Genex attempted to overthrow the Commonwealth in a war that was thought to have ended with their extinction. Now though a renegade officer within the Genex ranks has executed an audacious plan to unify his people with the Commonwealth only to do this he is willing to risk the totally downfall of humanity. Now the crew of the Warspite lead a desperate mission to save the Commonwealth’s most deadly foe from the same fate that has befallen so many other civilisations...
The Legacy of the Oscari When the Oscari came to the world they took some of the primitive humans they found living there and from them created the other intelligent species. Now though the Oscari are long gone, with only a few ruins and many legends to remember them by.
In the Elf land of Sylldarin two high born Elves foresee a time when their people will become eclipsed by the more numerous humans and resolve to prevent this by recovering the knowledge of the ancient Oscari from the mysterious continent that they called home, a place that few now visit and none return from.
However, there are more forces at work as another individual of great power tries to claim the power of the Oscari for himself instead.
The question remains though, can either of them be trusted with such great power?
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