Da Boss Of Da Dead

Chapta 11

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Da Boss Of Da Dead


Chapta 1

Chapta 2

Chapta 3

Chapta 4

Chapta 5

Chapta 6

Chapta 7

Chapta 8

Chapta 9

Chapta 10

Chapta 11

Chapta 12

Chapta 13

Chapta 14

Chapta 15

Chapta 16

Chapta 17

Chapta 18

Chapta 19

Chapta 20

Chapta 21

Chapta 22


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Warhammer 40k Intro



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Tiny motors behind his mummified face formed a smile as Mazakatek saw the ork truck come crashing to a complete halt.

“The enemy vehicle is disabled my lord.” The pilot said, “I will come round for another pass and we can finish them.”

Mazakatek watched the truck and saw its occupants running from it. He counted six plus some sort of animal and only three of them were actual orks, the remainder being either one of the smaller orkoid subspecies or the pale skinned aliens who also seemed to be subservient to the orks on this world.

“No.” he said as the command barge began to turn, “Ignore them. All we needed was to prevent them following us back to my palace. That has been achieved and we should continue on our way before more krork arrive.”


Hazug came to a halt beside a moss covered rock and looked up into the sky. After jumping clear of his truck he had just had time to pick up his rifle and the bag of rockets and now he frantically tried to load one onto the launcher. All around him the other occupants of the truck came to a halt as they too found places offering limited concealment from the necrons.

But as they looked upwards the necron vehicle began to turn away from them and pick up speed.

“What are they doing?” Sophie asked.

“It would seem they are leaving mon-keigh.” Mayleth said.
”Yeah, dey is runnin’ away!” Ratish exclaimed, jumping up and down.

“Da great Drazzok ‘as defeated ‘em again.” Thuggrim said proudly.

“Well it wasn’t ya shootin’.” Drazzok replied.

“So what do we do now Hazug?” Sophie asked as Hazug stood watching the necron vehicle disappear over the horizon.
”Well I tells ay one thing,” Drazzok said, ”we aint drivin’ back ‘ome.” And he pointed to where the truck lay vertically against the steep drop with its nose in the mud at the bottom.

“Gather wot ya can.” Hazug said, “we’ll make camp ‘ere.”


“So it’ll ‘ave a big gun yeah?” one of Two Heads asked Mek Batrug, the other clearly thinking deeply about what the mekboy had just told him. The pair were discussing Two Heads’ options for his rhino. Though badly dented the vehicle was still in working order and needed only minor repair work to restore it to its previous condition. Of course to a mekboy that was no reason to not install a few optional extras. Especially ones that went off with a ‘bang’.

“Really big.” Batrug replied, “Trust me, I gots just da bits to build one plus da gubbins to make da turret. Ya won’t be able to carry any lads in it any though. Da gubbins and da ammo’ll fill up all da room.”

Two Heads shrugged.

“I wasn’t usin’ it for movin’ lads much anyway.” He said, “Me wagon’s big enough for me mob without needin’ dat rhino an’ all. But a big boom gun would be good to ‘ave.”

“Boss!” Gorrid suddenly called out form the drivers seat of the battlewagon, “Smoke!”

Two Heads and Batrug rushed to the front of the vehicle, standing just behind Gorrid as he drove. They looked out through his vision slit and sure enough a thin column of smoke could be seen rising up over the horizon.

“D’ya reckon its dem?” one of Two Heads asked.
”Well dey did come dis way.” The other answered.
”I wasn’t askin’ ya.” The first replied and Two Heads both stared at one another and frowned.

“Perhaps we should just wait until we is a bit closer.” Mek Batrug suggested, “Who knows ‘ow many lads dare is out ‘ere? Not to mention all da git farmers.”


Mayleth shivered.

“Why don’t you just put some clothes on?” Sophie asked when she noticed Mayleth moving closer to the fire.

“I am wearing clothes mon-keigh.” The eldar woman replied, “Are you blind?”

“Well I wouldn’t go out looking like that.” Sophie said.
”I am not you mon-keigh. Thankfully.”

“And that’s another thing, I told you my name is Sophie. Stop calling me mon-keigh.”

Mayleth frowned.

“What?” Sophie asked.

“You just said you’re name is mon-keigh, not mon-keigh.” Mayleth said.

“Well perhaps if you’d try switching that machine off and just learning to talk to me like a normal person you’d understand what I’m telling you. How about if I write it down?”

“Your crude scratchings are meaningless mon-keigh.”

“Then you should learn to read as well.”

Mayleth looked at Sophie.

“What are those creatures that are on many mon-keigh worlds?” she asked, “The furred quadrupeds that your people use as pets or guard animals?”

“You mean dogs?” Sophie asked, “There aren’t any here. I heard the orks ate them all when they invaded.”

“I know there are none.” Mayleth said, “But my point is this, do you know how to make the barking sounds they make to communicate? Do any of your people know that mon-keigh?”

“No of course not.” Sophie answered, “But dogs are animals. You can’t talk to an animal properly.”

“Exactly.” Mayleth said and she looked into the flames.

Sophie scowled as she realised that Mayleth had just insulted her.

“You’re as bad as Ratish.” She muttered and she got up and went to sit beside Hazug.

Hazug noticed that Sophie seemed unhappy and was about to enquire why when he heard something and he got to his feet.
”Wot is it?” Drazzok asked as Hazug lifted his head.

“Shush.” Hazug said, “I is listenin’.” Then he looked at Ratish, “Oi grot, wot d’ya ‘ear?”

As well as large nose, gretchin also possessed large ears and a keen sense of hearing. A reason why they were often employed as night sentries by ork armies.

“An engine master. Ratish ‘ears an engine.” Ratish replied.

“Arm yaselves!” Hazug yelled, “And take cover!”

“But don’t we want rescuing?” Sophie asked even as she pulled her automatic pistol from her bag.
”Yeah.” Drazzok commented, “But dare aint no way to know if whoever’s comin’ is willin’ to rescue us without a fight.”

“Stupid git.” Ratish snapped.

Hazug took out the tau viewing device to get a better look at whoever was coming their way, holding his rifle by his side. He then smiled and breathed a sigh of relief as he recognised the distinctive outline of Two Heads’ battlewagon as it drove towards them.

“It’s Two Heads mob!” he called out and he stood up straight and began to wave his arms in the air to attract them.

“I can see them.” Mayleth added, the eldar species possessing excellent night vision, “I think that the one you call Batrug is with them too.”

“Yeah I see ‘im.” Hazug replied as he saw Mek Batrug’s head poking out of the hatch on top of the battlewagon’s turret.

“Oh great.” Drazzok said sarcastically, “Rescued by Batrug.”


The battlewagon’s engine revved and there was a creaking sound as the rope connecting it to Hazug’s truck strained. Then there was a grinding as ever so slowly the truck began to move backwards up the slope, pulled free by the much larger battlewagon. Batrug winced at the sound.
”Dat don’t sound good. I think its somethin’s bust.” He said.
”Well ya was da one wot built it.” Drazzok commented, “I is surprised its lasted dis long without fallin’ apart. Look, da roll cage is held together with grot snot.” He added and he pointed to where the patch of mucus Mayleth had wiped from her hand now glistened in the moonlight.

The grinding continued as the truck was finally pulled over the top of the slope and the front wheel could be seen to be at an angle.

“Dat really don’t look.” Batrug said and then he shouted towards the battlewagon, “Oi Gorrid! Stop dare!” and he dashed towards the truck. Bending over, he examined its underside and when he stood up he was shaking his head, “Da axle’s bust.” He called out as he returned to where Hazug and Drazzok stood watching.

“’Ow long to fix it?” Hazug asked.

“Not long, just needs a bit of weldin’ dat’s all.”

“But?” Drazzok said, grinning, “I can tell dare’s somethin’ else up. I seen loads of meks tryin’ to make things sound like dey aint fallin’ apart and I is smarter dan da lot of ya.”

Hazug stared at Batrug.

“Well?” he asked.

“Well its just dat when da axle bust one of da ends slid up into da engine and bust dat an’ all.” Batrug replied, “So dat needs fixin’ an’ all.”

“And?” Hazug asked.

“Well its just dat I don’t ‘ave da parts right now. “ Batrug admitted, “We’ll ‘ave to tow ya trukk back to me workshop and leave it dare until I can get ‘em.”

Hazug frowned.

“Don’t look to good does it Hazug?” Two Heads called out as he approached, one head focused on the damaged truck, “Never mind, ya can always ride in me wagon while we tow ya to dat caravan.”

“Caravan?” Batrug asked, “Wot caravan?”

“Gorrid said ‘e saw it on da way ‘ere.” Two Heads replied, “An ‘ole bunch of Death Skulls in wagons ‘e said. Wouldn’t be surprised if dem thievin’ wazzoks aint nicked ‘emselves a spare engine or two.”

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