5th Praetorian Regiment
As with the 78th Regiment above I exchanged the heads of cadians (or space marine scouts forunits equipped with carapace armour instead of flak) for some produced by another company to produce this one. In this case I used near future heads from Pig Iron Productions. I also added as many different bits of equipment as I could.

This company command squad makes use of space marine scouts with Imperial guard weapons and equipment.

The standard infantry squad uses cadian bodies and the Pig Iron near future heads. Note that I've not inclluded a heavy weapon team in the squad. For this regiment I've concentrated the heavy weapons in specialist squads.

One of the heavy weapon squads. Again this uses cadian bodies and near future heads.

My veteran squad is another that uses space marine scouts instead of cadian bodies. In this case it not only allows me to create a squad with carapace armour, but also to arm them with shotguns without needing further conversion.
1st Sigmar Regiment
This regiment uses Age of Sigmar human figures for its base, modified with parts from Imperial Guard kits to produce an Imperial Guard force that looks like it has been recruited from one of the Imperium's more primitive worlds.

The command squad uses Freeguild Guard as the squad members and a Freeguild General as its officer. The meltagun gunner uses a crossbow arm with a meltagun stuck to it and the drummer has a handgun slung over his back modified in the same way as the infantry squad below. The las pistols are made by replacing the muzzles of pistols with those from 40k laspistols.

These alternate officers were made from witch hunter figures with their weapons swapped for a plasma pistol and bolt pistol.

The basic infantry squad was made from a unit of Freeguild Hangunners. Their handguns were modified by adding a las gun power pack and replacing the muzzle with one from a las gun as well.
The heavy bolter is mounted on a taller stand made from a mortar to take into account the gunner standing rather than kneeling and the grenade launcher is made using the handgunners' volley gun.

These ogryn and bullgyrn units have been made by adding Imperial Guard weapons to Age of Sigmar Ogors.