Waaargh! Hazug!

Chapta 14

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 Waaargh! Hazug!


Chapta 1

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Chapta 3

Chapta 4

Chapta 5

Chapta 6

Chapta 7

Chapta 8

Chapta 9

Chapta 10

Chapta 11

Chapta 12

Chapta 13

Chapta 14

Chapta 15

Chapta 16

Chapta 17

Chapta 18

Chapta 19

Chapta 20

Chapta 21

Chapta 22

Chapta 23

Chapta 24

Chapta 25

Chapta 26

Chapta 27

Chapta 28

Chapta 29

Chapta 30

Chapta 31


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Warhammer 40k Intro



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The rumble of machinery around the mine was different from what it had been just a few days earlier. Then the sounds had come from the machines used to bring ore up from underground and then process it into something useful. Now however the digging machines had been brought up to the surface and were being used to move vast quantities of dirt and rubble to reinforce the camp’s perimeter wall. The wall was not so undermanned now with the addition of the orks infected by the genestealer taint and Graffgan grinned as he saw this.

“Yeah, it’ll ‘old.” He said as he sensed the question regarding the wall’s strength in his head and he turned to see one of the purestrain genestealers looking right at him, “Best to just put da ordinary lads on da wall though.” He added, “Just in case anyone gets close enough to get a good look.

The alien turned its bulbous head, looking towards the mine entrance itself.

“Dat’s wot da lads from round ‘ere says.” Graffgan said, “It goes real deep down and dares smaller grot tunnels wot lead out all over da place.”

This seemed to displease the genestealer.

“Don’t worry about dat.” Graffgan said in response to this, “Da runts is fillin’ in all da tunnels wot lead under da wall. Dare aint no one getting’ in ‘ere without us knowin’ about it.”


“Go find Two Heads.” Hazug told Ratish as they clambered out of the battlewagon, “I’ll be with dat Rell and ‘is lads.”

“Yes master, Ratish send ‘im to gits.” Ratish replied and he ran off in search of the other nob.

Inquisitor Rell and his troops were gathered together around the wrecked drop pod along with Captain Claudius and his surviving marines. Dern, the stormtrooper squad’s medic was seeing to the injuries of Prosnow and Vartus with the assistance of Salia and Sophie while Mayleth was simply sat close by watching and keeping hold of Cuddles’ leash.

“So ‘ow long before dey is fit to fight?” Hazug asked in the ork language as he walked up to his servants but looking at the injured marines.

“The one called Prosnow is more seriously injured.” Sophie replied.

“But the marines seem to think that his injury won’t cause him as much trouble as Vartus’ wrist.” Salia added, “I’m not sure I understand how that works.”

“It’s da armour.” Hazug said, “It’ll support da broken leg bone but da wrist is a joint. Da armour dare needs to bend.”
”Their injuries are most frustrating.“ Mayleth suddenly said, “Normally such wounds would cause such delightful pain for me to absorb, but these two seem to be hardly noticing it. It appears that what I have heard of these Adeptus Astartes warriors is true.” And then a smile spread across her face, ”Which raises other possibilities for me.”

Hazug did not respond to this, uncertain about what she meant. Instead he turned his attention back to Salia and Sophie.

“Wait ‘ere and keep ‘elpin’.” He told them, “I needs to go see dat inquisitor.” And he walked off, heading for where Rell was sat talking with Cubrim and Jarr while Captain Claudius looked on.
”Ah Hazug.” The inquisitor said, standing up as Hazug approached, “Is there news?”
”Yeah, dare is.” Hazug replied, “It looks like we aint just dealin’ with an ‘andful of freaks and aliens after all. I reckon dat dey got demselves a proper fort with workshops for makin’ wagons.”

“This complicates matters my lord.” Cubrim commented.
”Of course it does.” Rell said, “If they have formed a secure nest then we can expect their numbers to start growing more rapidly.”

“Not if we finds ‘em and kill ‘em quick enough.” Hazug replied and Claudius smiled at him.

“For once I find myself in agreement with an ork.” He said.

“Ya grot said dat ya ‘ad somethin’ to se to me.” Two Heads voice then called out in the ork language and Hazug turned to see the other nob walking towards him with Ratish close behind.

“See master? Ratish fetch Two Heads. No need to send any gits for ‘im.” Ratish added.

“Two Heads,” Hazug began as he walked to meet Two Heads, “Batrug’s found somethin’ in dat battlewagon tells us dat dese genestealers aint just a bunch of wanderin’ lads. Dat wagon was built specially for dem.”

Both of Two Heads frowned.

“So dare could be more dan wot we saw in da woods.” One of him commented.

“And dey probably got a fort an’ all.” Hazug added.

“Well at least a fort aint goin’ nowhere.” The other one of Two Heads replied.

“Dat’s wot I was thinkin’.” Hazug said, “But we still gotta find it. Dare’s still a lot of places dat it could be out ‘ere. We don’t know whether dey’ll ‘ave taken one over or just built one by demselves.”

“We ought to ask Krorden.” Two Heads said and then the other one of him nodded before adding, “Yeah, ‘e spends loads of time racin’ around out ‘ere. Dat means ‘e’ll know places to get fuel and dems is da sort of places wot we needs to look for.”

Hazug nodded.

“Alright den. I’ll take me lads and scout from da air in da coptas. We’ll look for any signs of somethin’ new bein’ built. Meanwhile ya can take da rest of da lads and ‘ave Krorden start askin’ around. Also see if any of da camps and warbands out ‘ere ‘ave spotted anythin’ dat could ‘ave been genestealers.” He said, “Get all da lads together and explain it to ‘em while I let Rell know so dat ‘e can tell ‘is lot as well.”

“Goddit.” Two Heads replied and he turned to leave. Then the other smiled and added, “But I reckon ya ought to send one of ya gits to see to Drazzok. ‘E’s complain’ dat dare aint no decent grub to be ‘ad.” And Hazug smiled as well.
”Yeah, I’ll send one of ‘em to get ‘im somethin’.”

As Hazug then turned to head back towards where the humans were clustered together he found Captain Claudius standing close behind him.
”I do not like being taken for a fool Blood Axe.” He said sternly.
”Wotcha talkin’ about?” Hazug asked in reply.

“Just who is in charge of this warband I see gathered around me?” the marine asked, waving his arms at the various groups of greenskins around them. Then before Hazug could answer he added, “It’s you isn’t it? Inquisitor Rell’s claim to be in charge is a lie.”

“Wot makes ya think dat?” Hazug said.
”You and the mutant were talking just now.” Claudius said and he paused for a moment, “I have served the Emperor loyally for more than three hundred years, twenty-eight of them in the Deathwatch.” And then all of a sudden he switched from gothic to the ork language, “In that time I’ve picked up quite a few useful skills.” He said, effectively telling Hazug that he had heard and understood every word that he and Two Heads had exchanged.

Hazug grinned.

“So ya already knows dat dis warband is mine. Wotcha gonna do about it?” he asked.

“Nothing.” Claudius told him, “My men and I will do our duty. We will help cleanse this world of the genestealers and then take Inquisitor Rell back to face justice. But we will not take orders from any of your kind.”

“Dat’s just fine by me.” Hazug replied, “But don’t go getting’ in our way either or I’ll let da lads finish ya off dare and den.”

“Then we have an agreement.” Claudius said.
”Yeah. I guess we do.”

“Very well. Oh and although I will not take orders from you, I will inform the others of your plan and send your servant to see to the shaman.” Claudius added before he turned and walked away.


The caravan approached the wall of the mining camp as it had done so often before. But on this occasion the camp looked different. The wall was higher in parts and there was more noise than was to be expected even from a mine.

“Wot’s goin’ on boss?” one of the orks sat I the howdah of the squiggoth asked Crognok, the caravan’s leader.

“’Ow should I know?” Crognok replied as he peered at the wall. Then he looked around to the gretchin in the howdah. There were four of the smaller greenskins fighting over a small dagger and Crognok picked up a discarded boot and threw it at the closest, ”Runt!” he snapped, “Wot’s ya name?”

“Gruggi master.” The gretchin replied.

“Well I needs ya to go down dare and find out wot’s goin’ on.” Crognok ordered.

“Yes boss.” Gruggi replied and with the squiggoth still in motion the gretchin climbed down one of its legs and jumped to the ground. Then he rushed forwards, easily outpacing the enormous lumbering creature. His natural instinct was to head for one of the tunnel entrances he had used on previous occasions to move in and out of the camp. But when he came to the nearest of these Gruggi found that it had been filled in. The dirt was a different colour to that of the surrounding area and was mixed with rocks, meaning that it had not simply collapsed as gretchin tunnels were prone to doing sometimes. Especially if they were dug beneath roads frequented by heavy traffic. Gruggi then continued along the wall, hunting for another way in. But all the time this was happening the caravan was getting closer to the main gates.

“Where’s dat grot gotten to?” Crognok muttered to himself as the caravan neared the gate.

Normally a party of orks from inside the camp, often led by Runnug himself would come out to meet the caravan and inspect what it had available for trade, with the price generally being negotiated in metal from the mine that would then be carried back to the nearest large settlement for sale there. But for some reason on this occasion the gates began to swing open ahead of the caravan and standing right inside was an ork waving the caravan through.

“Dat’s odd.” Crognok muttered and he looked around again. Sure enough there were still three more squiggoths behind his and more than twenty orks riding on top of each. That meant that Runnug was inviting a force of almost a hundred orks into his fort, “Dis aint like Runnug at all.”

“Maybe ‘e’s dead boss.” the nearby ork commented.

Crognok had to admit that Runnug’s death was a distinct possibility. Even discounting the traditional ork method of gaining promotion by killing a superior, mining was a risky business and he could easily have been killed in an accident that did not need any help to occur.

But then Runnug himself made an appearance, dressed in the usual blue and white attire of a member of the Death Skulls and he waved the caravan in as well.

“Keep movin’.” Crognok told the ork directing the squiggoth, “But keep ya eyes open an’ all. Dis just aint right.”

“Come on down.” Runnug called out to Crognok as the Death Skull approached the lead squiggoth and as soon as the creature came to a halt the Bad Moon scaled down its side.

The first thing he did when his feet hit the ground was take a look around. Having never been allowed inside the perimeter wall before now he was curious to see what the inside of the camp was like. A part of this was because he wanted to get a good look at its defences from the inside. After all it was quite possible that at some later date that information may come in useful.
”Dis way.” Runnug said and he beckoned Crognok to follow him.

“Where ya goin’?” Crognok asked.

“Me ‘ut.” Runnug replied, “I got somethin’ to show ya.” And Crognok began to walk forwards. But then he halted suddenly. There was something that just did not feel right about the situation and it was not just Runnug’s behaviour. There was something about the Death Skull that felt out of place and he looked around again.

There were armed orks positioned on the walls and Crognok saw signs of recent construction there. The outside had looked as it always had so these changes were down to reinforcement of the wall rather than repairing some damage inflicted in an attack. He also saw numerous indirect fire weapons dug into the ground within the walls, anyone assaulting this camp would be in for a nasty shock when those started launching explosives over the wall Crognok knew.

Elsewhere he saw orks at work building battlewagons that although fully armoured looked to possess little in the way of firepower and Crognok considered the likelihood of Runnug agreeing to purchase weapons from him that he could mount on these vehicles.

But then something else out of the ordinary hit him. All around him Crognok could see orks hard at work, but none of them looked to be doing the job they were supposed to do – mining. There was not a single ork or gretchin anywhere near to the mine entrance.
”Wot’s goin’ on?” Crognok demanded and his hand went to the pistol he had tucked into his belt.

“I’s gonna show ya.” Runnug replied, “Dis way.” And he continued beckoning the Bad Moon to follow him.

Crognok frowned but followed anyway. However, he slid his pistol from his belt and held it by his side just in case. Rounding a nearby hut he found Graffgan waiting. Like Runnug, Graffgan wore the clothing of a Death Skull. But his clothes lacked the layers of ground in dirt that Runnug’s had acquired after years of mining.

“Is dis ‘im den’?” Graffgan asked.

“Yeah dis is dare boss.” Runnug replied, “’E wants to see wot’s goin’ on.”
”Well den, “ Graffgan replied, “we best not keep ‘im waitin’ ‘ad we?” and he opened the door to Runnug’s personal hut.

Peering inside Crognok gasped when he saw what waited on the other side of the door and he tried to aim his pistol at it. But the purestrain genestealer moved too quickly for him and it was on him before he could cry out.

The alien knocked Crognok’s pistol aside with one of its clawed hands and then extended its head towards him. As it did so it opened its jaw and its long tongue lashed out, striking the ork just under his eye. Crognok barely felt the hit but as the tongue withdrew he felt a strange sensation coming from the tiny wound it had inflicted and he threw up his hands and clamped them over it, suspecting that the attack had been poisoned. It had been in its own way, but not as Crognok expected it to be.

“Wotcha done?” he asked as all of a sudden he began to sense voices in his head.

“Made you one of us.” Graffgan replied before Crognok dropped to his knees and fell forwards.


The orks of the caravan waited for their leader to return. Some remained in the howdahs on top of the squiggoths while others climbed down to ground instead. One or two noticed that there were groups of hooded orks watching them but thought nothing of it. They were inside the mine’s defensive wall and it was only natural that the inhabitants of the mining camp would want to watch them to make sure that they did not try to cause trouble. It was also well known that a Death Skull ran the camp and the Death Skulls clan was infamous for taking anything not nailed down when its owner’s back was turned. If it was nailed down then it was said that a Death Skull would simply wait until he had stolen a suitable tool with which to remove the nails and then steal them as well.

But then something happened that caused the orks of the caravan to take notice of the situation. Behind them the gates began to swing shut and the sound of them slamming shut boomed out.

“Oi!” Gruggi shouted from outside the gates, having reached them just as they closed in front of him, “I’m still out ‘ere and I can’t get in.” then his eyes widened as he heard a sudden screech from inside.

The sound came from one of the hooded figures standing closest to the orks of the caravan as it dropped its hood to reveal its misshapen head and leapt at the nearest ork. This was the signal for the others to launch their attack and orks, hybrids and purestrain genestealers came pouring out of every possible nearby hiding place. The orks and gretchin on the ground stood no chance, the purestrains in particular moving so quickly that they had no chance to prepare to defend themselves. Only a handful of them were able to draw weapons and none were able to hit anything. The orks and gretchin still in the howdahs however were able to try and defend themselves, spraying bullets over the sides of the squiggoths into the crowd below.

Some of the genestealer controlled orks returned fire using small arms, hoping to merely injure those in the howdahs rather than kill them. Meanwhile the purestrain and hybrid genestealers themselves began to scale the side of the massive creatures, using the harnesses of the howdahs as handholds. This made them vulnerable however and the occupants of the howdahs started hurling whatever came to hand down at them as they climbed. There was a high-pitched scream as an unfortunate gretchin was thrown over the side, striking a purestrain genestealer and knocking from the squiggoth.

Realising the desperate situation that they were in, one of the orks from the howdah rushed forwards to the point where the squiggoth itself was controlled. He knew that if he could get the creature moving then its massive weight and bulk would make a devastating weapon within the confines of the mining camp. However, just as he sat down and took hold of the reigns he spotted movement from the corner of his eye and he quickly tilted his head down to see what it was. There he found himself looking right into the eyes of a purestrain genestealer that had been using the reigns as support to help it climb. The alien hissed at the ork as he drew his pistol. Then before he could fire it dug its heels into the thick hide of the squiggoth’s neck and pulled on the reigns with enough force that it dragged the ork from his seat, sending him plummeting to the ground below.

As the genestealers began to climb into the howdahs themselves the orks struck at them with whatever weapons came to hand. This was the sort of combat that they excelled at and they roared in defiance as they lashed out with club and blade. The problem was that the orks were counting on the genestealers to climb over the sides of the howdahs, but the aliens had an alternative in mind. The claws of the purestrain genestealers were easily able to rip through the lightweight construction of the howdahs and all of a sudden the orks could find themselves with out cover. The first of them found this out when a clawed hand smashed though the howdah to grab him by the ankle. Then as he collapsed screaming the arm withdrew and pulled him back with it. For a few seconds he found himself hanging upside down until another genestealer, this one a hybrid, extended its tongue and he blacked out.

While the occupants of the mining camp remained focused on the caravan they had lured through their gates none of them were keeping watch on the gates themselves and so did not notice as Gruggi dragged himself up the wall and peered over. His eyes widened as he saw the unmistakably alien form of the genestealers battling the orks. He squealed as he let go of his grip on the top of the wall and dropped back down to the ground. He landed with a ‘thump!’ and the breath was knocked from him, but with no bones broken he was able to pull himself back to his feet and he started to run. He didn’t care where he ran to, just as long as it was away from here.


Crognok watched as his orks and gretchin joined the others in reinforcing the camp and manufacturing new weapons. Then he remembered something from just before he had become part of his new warband.

“The gretchin?” Graffgan said from close by, when Crognok pictured sending Gruggi to investigate the camp in his mind the mental image instantly became part of the genestealers’ collective consciousness.

“I don’t see ‘im around ‘ere anywhere.” Crognok replied.

“Then he isn’t one of us.” Runnug said and a pair of purestrain genestealers close by both hissed.

“They’re right.” Crognok said, “We have to find him.”

Shortly after the gates of the mining camp opened once more and a trio of warbikes sped out, their riders searching along the walls at first as they hunted for any sign of Gruggi.


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