Da Cybork Menace

Chapta 24

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 Da Cybork Menace


Chapta 1

Chapta 2 

Chapta 3 

Chapta 4 

Chapta 5 

Chapta 6 

Chapta 7 

Chapta 8 

Chapta 9 

Chapta 10 

Chapta 11 

Chapta 12 

Chapta 13 

Chapta 14 

Chapta 15 

Chapta 16 

Chapta 17 

Chapta 18 

Chapta 19 

Chapta 20 

Chapta 21 

Chapta 22 

Chapta 23 

Chapta 24 


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Normally when an ork’s throat is cut it will collapse almost immediately, but Hazug’s swing with his blade apparently did not cut deep enough for the squig brain to notice the injury to its neck, and instead it raised both sets of massive claws over its head to strike back at him as blood spurted from the wound. Hazug expected the claws to come crashing down on him at any moment, but before the cybork could strike Two Heads slammed into the cybork from behind, pushing it to the ground beside Hazug.

“Stab ‘im again, quick!” one of Two Heads shouted at Hazug, while the other concentrate on preventing the cybork from regaining his footing.

Hazug swung his blade again, and chipped the cybork’s metal skullcap. Swiftly, he brought his weapon down again, and this time he struck the cybork’s head just beneath the metal plate and smashed through the thick bone of his skull and struck the brain inside. The cybork stopped fighting against Two Heads and lay still, and just at that moment a bullet narrowly past Hazug by.

Hazug turned around and saw a painboy pointing a pistol towards him from an archway. He recognised Dok Gutstitch instantly.

“Dare’s Gutstitch!” he yelled, pointing towards the painboy, “Don’t let ‘im get away!”

“Ya go after ‘im den!” Drazzok shouted as he swung his staff at the cybork still attempting to shake itself free of the three orks holding on to it, “we’ll deal with dis lot!”

Hazug didn’t need to be told twice, and he ran towards Dok Gutstitch, blade in hand. The painboy reacted by turning and running through the crowd of orks still observing the battle. Initially Hazug gained on him as he ran through the area of the street cleared by the battle while Dok Gutstitch was forced top push himself through the crowd.

As Hazug came closer one of the watching orks directly in front of him turned to his fellows and said, “watch dis, I’m gonna trip da git lover up,” and stuck out his foot where he expected Hazug to run.

But unluckily for the ork, Hazug saw the limb stretch out, and as the ork turned around to face him again, a wide grin on his face, he saw Hazug’s clenched fist hurtling towards him. There was a loud ‘crack’ as Hazug struck the ork, and his friends exploded with laughter as he fell to the ground with blood pouring from his flattened nose while Hazug just leapt over him and began to barge his way through the crowd of orks generally much smaller than himself.

Dok Gutstitch chanced turning around and saw Hazug getting nearer, so the painboy fired a couple of shots at him. He would have fired more, but it appeared that the ork whose pistol Dok Gutstitch had stolen had not kept its magazine full and it was out of ammunition. Dok Gutstitch dropped the empty weapon and continued to run.

Hazug heard the shots. Normally he would have ducked, but the crowd pressing on him from all sides prevented him from doing so. In any case both shots missed, instead hitting two other orks in the crowd. Hazug pushed on because, quite frankly, he just didn’t care about whoever it was that had been shot. It was their own problem, not his, he just needed to catch up with Dok Gutstitch before he could escape.

Ahead of him, Hazug saw the painboy reach the back of the crowd and start running through the more open street beyond.

“Get out of me damn way!” he shouted, and rather than just pushing his way through the crowd, Hazug began to strike at those in front of him instead. Even without using the sharp edge of his blade he was able to get the message across that it was a good idea to let him pass, and Hazug was able to force his way through the crowd while Dok Gutstitch was still just about visible up ahead.

Hazug drew his pistol and aimed at Dok Gutstitch, firing a single shot towards him. In the dimness of the street, lit only by whatever light escaped from the businesses still open at this time, the shot went wide and, rather than waste more ammunition on such a difficult shot, Hazug instead began to chase after Dok Gutstitch once more.


Breathing heavily, Dok Gutstitch turned into a side street, aware that Hazug was still after him and likely closing the gap between them. He was about to run down the street when he noticed a dark alcove nearby. He knew that Hazug would have seen him turn into this side street and would surely pursue him down here, and it occurred to Dok Gutstitch that if he hid himself in the alcove he would have the opportunity to strike at Hazug as he passed. So, pulling one of his larger surgical blades from his belt, he pressed himself up against the back of the alcove and waited.

He did not have to wait for long, Hazug was faster than him over open ground, and he soon rounded the corner into the side street. But instead of just running straight on he stopped and stared down the street.

Hazug knew that he had seen the painboy turn down here moments before him, but now he was nowhere to be seen. That could only mean that he had found somewhere else along this street to either turn off again or conceal himself. So moving more cautiously now, Hazug began to walk rather than run down the street. He took only a few steps before he remembered the tau viewing device. Its night vision mode would allow him to search the entire street from here. He tucked his pistol back into his belt and reached for the device, and that was when he felt the blade stab into his side.

“Gotcha!” Dok Gutstitch shouted as he withdrew his surgical knife, and he watched Hazug stagger forwards and drop his own blade to the floor.

Raising his knife over his head, Dok Gutstitch moved in for the kill, but a wounded ork is still deadly, and Hazug reacted quickly to this attack. He kicked out, aiming for one of Dok Gutstitch’s knees, and he was rewarded with a crunch as he struck the joint dead on, shattering the kneecap.

Dok Gutstitch cried out in pain as his leg gave way beneath him. He tried to keep the knife moving towards Hazug, but even with one hand clamped over the wound at his side the nob was able to roll out of the way, and both of the orks lay on the ground bleeding.

Hazug reached for his pistol, but the weapon had dropped from his belt when he fell, and aside from a pair of grenades he was now unarmed. Hazug had no intention of using an explosive weapon while fighting hand-to-hand, but the stick design and bulk of ork grenades gave him another option instead. So Hazug pulled one of the grenades from his belt and swung it like a club.

The metal can that held the explosive connected with Dok Gutstitch’s jaw from the side, and even in the dim light Hazug saw a splatter of blood and a pair of his teeth come loose.

Dragging his injured leg behind him, Dok Gutstitch pulled himself closer to Hazug and slashed at him with his knife again. The blade caught Hazug across the back of his hand, and the grenade slipped from his grip and rolled away. One hand still clamped firmly over the bleeding wound one his side, Hazug scrabbled back away from Dok Gutstitch and tried to kick him again, but this time the painboy avoided his attack.

Dok Gutstitch reached out to pull himself after Hazug and he felt something beneath his hand, it was Hazug’s pistol. He picked up the weapon and pointed it at Hazug. In spite of the darkness Hazug saw Dok Gutstitch raise the weapon and recognised it immediately. He let go of his side and dived at Gutstitch before he could fire the gun, grabbing hold of the hand that held the weapon and pushing it aside. Dok Gutstitch struggled against Hazug’s grip, trying to point the pistol back towards him, but the nob was far stronger than him. Dok Gutstitch reached out with his other hand and jabbed his fingers into the wound he had inflicted on Hazug’s side.

Hazug screamed, but he didn’t let go of Dok Gutstitch’s wrist. Instead he looked the painboy straight in the face and yelled, “Kop dis!” and he head butted Dok Gutstitch.

The painboy’s head jerked backwards as Hazug’s head smashed into his face. He dropped the pistol and his other hand fell away from Hazug’s wound as the nob butted him once more. Dazed by the blow, Dok Gutstitch went limp and Hazug went in for the kill. He released his grip on Dok Gutstitch’s wrist and instead gripped the painboy by his collar. Straining, Hazug stood up and slammed Dok Gutstitch’s head into the nearest wall. There was a crack as Dok Gutstitch’s skull fractured, and then another as Hazug slammed his head against the wall again. Then Hazug roared as he raised he threw his opponent to the ground and brought his boot down on the back of his neck. Hazug heard Dok Gutstitch’s neck snap beneath his foot and then he staggered backwards before collapsing to the ground himself and he lay still.

For a while there was just the sound of his own breathing, but then Hazug heard a voice call out his name.

“Hazug! Hazug where are you?” Sophie shouted.

“Over ‘ere,” Hazug called out as he lay on the ground. Then he heard footsteps and he saw Two Heads appear at the end of the street accompanied by Drazzok, Ratish, Rhia and Sophie. Seeing Hazug on the ground they ran to him and Sophie knelt beside him.

“Throne!” she exclaimed,” You’re hurt.”

“Wot dis?” Hazug said, raising his hand to his side, “Its just a scratch. Now give us ‘an ‘and up and I’ll walk it off.”

Hazug’s servants assisted him to his feet. He swayed for a moment before he found his balance and retrieved his weapons from where they had fallen.

“Where’s everyone else?” he asked, “Is dey dead?”

“Nah,” Two Heads responded, “but after we finished off dem cyborks we left da rest of da lads with Batrug to keep an eye on all da loot until ‘e could figure out a way of getting’ it back to ‘is workshop.”

“’E don’t expect us to let ‘im keep it all does ‘e?” Hazug asked as he put his weapons away.

“Nah, we is splittin’ it evenly.”

“Fine” Hazug said, “but Gutstitch’s teeth is mine. I’m da one wot knocked ‘em out.”

 Copyright Notice

The Warhammer 40,000 universe is the intellectual property of Games Workshop Ltd. The fiction presented here is a derived work. It is completely unofficial and Games Workshop Ltd has not endorsed any of it.

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